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Significant Investments and Ambitious Plans for Jasionka Airport

Rzeszów-Jasionka Ulma Family Airport has spent over 80 million PLN on investments in the past three years. The airport has equally ambitious investment plans for the coming years.

“At such locations, investments are made with confidence, knowing that the funds allocated from the regional budget will not be wasted but will multiply effects and provide new impulses and stimulation not only to the airport but to the entire economy of Podkarpacie region” - said Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Władysław Ortyl during a press conference.

He reminded that the regional government is the majority shareholder in the airport company and mentioned the efforts he made in the European Commission when regional airports were facing difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also emphasized that the regional government is undertaking many other investments around the airport, such as road and rail projects, like the connection within the Podkarpackie Agglomeration Railway. Władysław Ortyl praised the airport's management and employees for their daily efforts.

Adam Hamryszczak, the airport's president, presented the implementation of the investment program for 2021-2023: “In recent years, we have completed several extremely important investments for the airport, with a total value of 55.7 million PLN. The program was co-financed by Polish Airports, which contributed 38.6 million PLN, while Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport allocated 17 million PLN from its own funds. The investments were completed within the planned scope, deadlines, and budget.

Over three years, Jasionka Airport spent more than 80 million PLN on investments! Photo by Krystian Dobrzański.

This program included investments in three areas – safety (28.9 million PLN), environmental protection (24.8 million PLN), and digitalization (1.8 million PLN). The largest amounts were allocated for the purchase of vehicles and machinery for the airport, expansion of the aviation fuel station, construction of storage and refueling stations, purchase of airport tankers and machinery for road and airport surface maintenance, modernization of the water retention system by building a gravity storm sewer, modification of the BHS system, purchase of a tomography scanner and conveyor belt control system, replacement of lighting to LED on the runway, taxiways, aprons, terminal, and administrative building.”

“The airport also carried out several significant investments entirely funded by its own resources. The total amount of these additional tasks were over 25 million PLN, which means that in the past three years, the company completed investments totaling over 80 million PLN,” said Adam Hamryszczak, who listed the construction of a long-term parking lot for 458 spaces and the purchase of vehicles and equipment for handling operations, particularly for cargo operations, as among the most important investments.

The conference also discussed the airport's investment plans for the coming years.

“The company has prepared a new business plan, which, from a long-term perspective, envisages dynamic development in the areas of passenger and cargo traffic. To achieve this, a bold and responsible investment policy is necessary. For 2024-2025, the company has planned several tasks that will allow the modernization of existing facilities to world standards in terms of infrastructure, technology, and safety,” said Vice President Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak. She announced that these would be visible investments for passengers, modernizing the entire passenger traffic path at the airport and improving the flow of cargo traffic.

The purchase of vehicles and machinery for the airport is the most costly investment. Photo by Tadeusz Poźniak.

“We are actively seeking opportunities to obtain external funds, and by preparing project documentation, we are ready to apply effectively. The first program to which Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport applied as one of the few regional airports in Poland was this year's call for the FEnIKS program,” informed Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak. As part of this call, Jasionka Airport submitted three projects totaling over 50 million PLN, of which the requested EU funding is just over 31 million PLN. The implementation of these projects will improve protection and safety in passenger traffic service, ensure fire safety at the airport, and improve safety in cargo and passenger traffic areas.

“In the coming years, besides purchasing modern CT scanners that will allow passengers not to remove liquids and electronics from their hand luggage, we also plan to install a parcel locker in the terminal for items that cannot be taken on board,” assured President Adam Hamryszczak.

“The dynamic development of Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport in passenger and cargo traffic services necessitates investments in both terminal infrastructure and cargo, as well as security and cybersecurity tasks. Many of these investments will operate in the background, but some will be visible to everyone using our airport,” added Bartosz Górski.

The fuel station has been expanded and now holds up to one million liters of fuel. Photo by Tadeusz Poźniak.

“In the next two years, the company plans to complete not only major investments but also dozens of smaller and larger purchases, which require proper planning and a consistent and responsible team of specialists in management, engineering, and commerce,” continued Vice President Bartosz Górski.

The airport, together with the company Baltona, plans to complete the modernization of the commercial area and the construction of a duty-free shop in the walk-through format during the summer season. Along with the planned reconstruction of the Security check and the already completed modernization works, the passenger service path will be modern, efficient, safe, and comfortable next year.

During the conference, the finalization of the purchase of the cargo terminal (WAIMEA) was also confirmed, which will allow the handling of commercial cargo freights in the future.

One of the investments was the purchase of new tankers for refueling aircraft. Photo by Tadeusz Poźniak.

Last year, the airport completed the construction of the P3 long-term parking lot with an electronic reservation system, and this year it aims to consistently complete this infrastructure by modernizing the P2 parking lot, significantly improving parking availability for passengers and commercial partners.

“It is worth emphasizing that the implementation of these projects is the result of the dedicated and professional work of our specialists from the investment, operational, financial, and commercial departments. We are not stopping at what we have achieved so far and are aware that only bold strategic decisions will allow us to meet current and future challenges in the development of passenger and cargo traffic,” concluded President Adam Hamryszczak.

The replacement of lighting with LED in the terminal, buildings, and at the airport cost over 5 million PLN. Photo by Tadeusz Poźniak.

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